It is essential to spend your time with like-minded people. Who are you spending your time with? Do they motivate and inspire you? Are they more of an obstacle in your way than they are a driving force that motivates you to be the best version of yourself? You define you, other peoples opinion of you is none of your business! Believe in yourself and reach for the stars. Each year more and more women drop out of the workforce, and even worse, the graveyard continues to gain more wealth, because brilliant people die each year with the most innovative business ideas and dreams that never came to pass because they failed to live their dreams.
My heart breaks as I see women fall into this pit. As a stay at home mom and wife, I can attest to the fact that it is not a select A or B situation once you have kids. I have been living my life, pursuing my career; all while homeschooling and raising my kids. Therefore, I have the experience firsthand to tell moms that it can be done. I have been doing this for 12 years, and have been married for 18 years; thus, I do have the experience in balancing career and family life. This story matters because it is so not what mom’s think, once you have a child you must put them first and your career prospects are over. Homeschooling my children and pursuing my career is one of the most rewarding experience. I get to fail forward, and my children share in that experience with me. I recently came across an email response from a publisher dated the year 2015. I submitted a few manuscripts over the years to that publisher, and many others. The rejection letters came by the dozens. It was not until the year 2018 the yes came from 2 different publishers including the one that said no 3 times. These are career moments I enjoy sharing with my children, so that they too can see that success takes hard work and persistence. What will your legacy be? ??????
September 2022
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